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  • Studybugs - The new way to report student absence!

    Published 21/06/23

    Dear parent/carers, 

    We are pleased to announce that Woolwich Polytechnic Boys is introducing a new, more efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence due to illness, called Studybugs.

    If you haven’t already, please get the free Studybugs app, or register on the Studybugs website, and use it to tell us whenever your child’s ill and unable to attend school.

    Get the app or register now:

    Top 3 reasons to use Studybugs
    1. It’s integrated with our systems, so we know right away if your child is unaccounted for.
    2. It’s quick and easy to register and use and automatically reminds you to keep us posted.
    3. You’ll be helping the NHS and other public health organisations improve children’s health.

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  • And just like that, the curtains have closed on the 2023–2024 school year!

    Published 19/07/24

    And just like that, the curtains have closed on the 2023–2024 school year!

    We have had such a fantastic year full of amazing events, student triumphs, achievements, photographs, videos and articles that we've shared on our platforms. To commemorate this academic year, we've put together a video reel that showcases all the content we've shared.

    We would like to thank everyone who has been active on our social media platforms - liking, commenting, sharing, and reposting - we really appreciate your support.

    We have got an exciting line-up of news and updates coming your way next year so stay tuned!


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  • Sports Day 2024 at WPSfB

    Published 17/07/24

    Sports Day at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys took place on Friday 12th July 2024.

    Students spent the first part of the morning completing a sports themed quiz and creating banners for the day in their form groups. Students then headed out to the sports field where the various track and field events began for Year 7, 8 and 9, while Year 10 students took part in a Basketball and Football Tournament.

    The day was a great success with many students winning medals and wearing them with pride. A big thank you to the PE department for coordinating the event and to all the staff for their support in ensuring the day ran smoothly.

    Sports Day 2024 - The results!

    Year 7

    • 1st - 7PC (62 points)
    • 2nd - 7SS (46 points)
    • 3rd - 7TA (40 points)

    Year 8

    • 1st - 8SG (37 points)
    • 2nd - 8JD & 8KG tied (36 points)
    • 3rd - 8VR (33 points)

    Year 9

    • 1st - 9JB (53 points)
    • 2nd - 9FM (40 points)
    • 3rd - 9SD & 9DP (38 points)

    Year 10

    • Basketball Champions - 10OO
    • Football Champions - 10SW

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  • KS3 Prizegiving Evening - Wednesday 10th July 2024

    Published 16/07/24

    On Wednesday 10th July 2024 we welcomed students, staff, parents and carers into school for our annual KS3 Prizegiving Evening. A fantastic evening celebrating the achievements of students from Year 7 to Year 9.

    We were also treated to a musical interlude ‘Verdansk’ by Dave and a drama performance from ‘Red Pitch’ by Tyrell Williams.

    We extend our gratitude to Dr Bolu Eso, our guest speaker. Dr Bolu is an experienced vet and TV star. He is a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the American Veterinary Medical Association and the British Veterinary Association. He studied Veterinary Medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest. After graduating, Bolu joined a Veterinary Practice in rural Kent, before moving onto London.

    Mr T Lawrence, Headteacher comments, ‘ Prizegiving is about rewarding our vision of ‘Success for Everyone’. But the real prize is the learning our boys have received, the progress they have made, showcasing their talents in a broad range of subjects. They truly deserve the recognition that this ceremony provides; they deserve the applause; they deserve their achievements as the rightful outcome of all their efforts’.


    #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpoly 

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  • Self-care over the summer break

    Published 15/07/24

    Young Minds

    Signpost your pupils to our self-care guide and encourage them to prioritise looking after themselves over the summer holidays – whatever that looks like for them. It’s easy for young people’s routines and healthy habits to go out the window during the summer, which can make it even harder for them to return to school come September. Supporting your pupils to learn about self-care and find accessible, enjoyable forms of it can really help their wellbeing now and in the future.

    Get the self-care guide

    Support for parents and carers

    As you know, many parents and carers struggle over the summer holidays without the essential support that your school provides. Particularly when it comes to managing their child’s behaviour and mental health at home – but you can help. Share our list of activity ideas that can help make tough conversations about mental health easier. There are suggestions for both younger kids and teens.

    How to Talk to Your Child about Mental Health | YoungMinds

    Our guide to challenging behaviour provides tips on how parents and carers can look after their child and themselves.

    Challenging Behaviour | Parents' Guide To Support | YoungMinds

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  • Useful information for Year 6 to Year 7 transition

    Published 15/07/24

    Just a reminder to all Year 6 parents and carers that the Parent Information Evening PowerPoint and Year 7 Guide are available on our website under the Year 6-7 Journey page here:

    Check out this page for a wealth of useful information, tips, and videos for both parents and students embarking on their journey at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys in September 2024.

    We are so excited to welcome our new year 7 cohort in September!

    #woolwichpolytechnic #woolwichpoly #year6toyear7 #year6transition #newyear7 #year6toyear7journey #polymat #polymatschools

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  • Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys win two awards at the Royal Borough of Greenwich Great Debate

    Published 05/07/24

    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys win two awards at the Royal Borough of Greenwich Great Debate

    On Tuesday 2nd July 2024 a group of Year 8 students participated in the Royal Borough of Greenwich Great Debate at The John Roan School. It was our first time taking part in this event and they were the only team made up of only Year 8 (as all the other groups had Year 9 students). Our students were fantastic and excelled and out of four awards on offer, Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys won two!!

    Jude H - Best proposing speaker

    Leon Y - Best audience member (asking astute questions of the other schools)

    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls were also at the event and shined, winning the award for opposing speaker so it was 3 out of 4 for the Poly!

    We are hugely proud of the way that the students in the team both, speaking and in the research team, conducted themselves at the event. They were well-behaved, elegantly dressed, and engaged wonderfully with other teams' debates and topics.


    Royal Borough of Greenwich #GreatDebate #woolwichpoly #woolwichpolyboys #woolwichpolytechnic #thamesmead #greenwich #polymat #polymatschools

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  • Mental Health in Schools Team support during Summer Break 2024

    Published 05/07/24

    We wanted to give you an update on how we plan to prioritise and offer our MHST interventions during the summer break.

    • We will continue to accept referrals for 1:1 guided intervention for Child Anxiety and Challenging Behavior- Parent/carer . 
    • Parents or young people can refer by emailing the following information to MHST via the Greenwich MHST email address Name, D.O.B, School, contact name and number, current difficulties.
    • We will be putting all targeted group interventions on hold till September when Schools resume.
    • If you are interested in any of our workshops or targeted groups for pupils/parents/staff, please contact your MHST link practitioner.

    Thank you for your collaborative work with our team.

    Kind Regards

    Greenwich Mental Health in Schools Team 

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  • Hot weather & Hayfever

    Published 25/06/24

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    As temperatures are increasing this week, please can you ensure your child/children attend school with a water bottle each day, so they can take sips of water throughout the school day and refill their bottles as necessary. This will not only ensure they do not become dehydrated but ensures they remain in class.

    We also advise that you also ensure that your child/children have breakfast each morning and, if not possible, at least a piece of fruit to ensure their body is provided with the required nutrients and energy to keep them going and engaged in lessons, at least until lunchtime.

    Lastly, if your child is suffering from any symptoms of hayfever, please can antihistamine be purchased (piriton, cetirizine, loratadine) from your nearest drugstore/pharmacy and be taken in the morning before school.

    Symptoms of hayfever include:

    •  sneezing and coughing
    •  a runny or blocked nose
    •  itchy, red or watery eyes
    •  itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears etc.
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  • Year 11 Graduation 2024

    Published 20/06/24

    Year 11 Graduation - Monday 17th June 2024

    On Monday 17th June we welcomed into school our Year 11 students and their families to celebrate their graduation. A wonderful occasion filled with lots of heartfelt and supportive speeches from staff and the students.

    Thank you to everyone who attended this special event and thank you to everyone who has supported this Year 11 cohort in their journey here at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys.

    A huge congratulations to the Class of 2024!

    Enjoy this short video that we have put together to commemorate the event.

    hashtag#woolwichpolytechnic hashtag#woolwichpoly hashtag#thamesmead hashtag#greenwich hashtag#polymatschools hashtag#polymat hashtag#year11 hashtag#year11graduation

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  • Year 8 Football Team District & London Schools FA Cup Champions 2024

    Published 14/06/24

    Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys Year 8 Football Team District & London Schools FA Cup Champions 2024

    Yet another triumphant season for the Year 8 Football Team, clinching victory in both the District and London Schools FA Cup.

    These talented students have secured five major trophies during their two years at the school, showcasing their remarkable success.

    We are incredibly proud of these students and what they have achieved.

    These are the two fantastic cups that our Year 8 Football team has won this season, all set to be proudly put on display at school!

    Huge thanks to our outstanding PE department for their invaluable support in leading the Year 8 Football Team to success.

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  • Actions from Community Safety Meeting - 11th June 2024 at WPSfB

    Published 12/06/24

    Yesterday afternoon, Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys hosted a meeting of local primaries, secondaries, Greenwich Services and the police to address concerns that we have raised about safety in the community.

    Amongst those attendees, we were delighted to have Assistant Chief-Inspector Alex Baldwin, headteachers Lizaan Williams, Sarah Critchell and Jo Marchant, as well as Deputy Director for Children's Services Onder Beter, Senior Assistant Director for Inclusion, Learning and Achievement Vicki Cluff and Assistant Director for Community Safety and Environmental Health Lea Minahan.

    We addressed serious concerns about our students', and wider community, safety in Thamesmead, replete with evidential bases for the need for change and improvement, which was universally recognised.

    As a starting point to the necessary actions, Acting Chief-Inspector Alex Baldwin has committed to policing Thamesmead Town Centre when operationally available with the local schools and neighbourhood officers, having briefed his sergeants and teams. I am intensely grateful for this action as this visibility will start to improve the sense of safety in our neighbourhood. And with this commitment, both Ms Williams and I will begin to staff Thamesmead Town Centre to support. Police operational availability will only be impacted by being called to more pressing duties.

    Beyond this, our next stages will be to invite Peabody so we can look into investing in town centre wardens, similar to the approach in Woolwich Town Centre, enhancing the visibility of authority in our area; I also suspect that Transport for London can assist with the provision of more buses to transport our students home quickly. It is also my ambition to engage with local residents once a more comprehensive package of measures is put in place.

    One approach on its own is unlikely to change the reality; together, however, various approaches and commitments from our local community will make Thamesmead a safer space for us all.

    Mr T Lawrence



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