Friday 21st April 2023 - Non-Uniform Day

Dear Parents/Carers,
Re: Non-uniform day - Friday 21st April
On Friday 21st April, we are holding a non-uniform day, organised by the Sixth Form to raise money for Year 13 graduation in July.
Students can come to school in their own clothes and make a £1 donation on the day which will be collected by tutors during registration.
Staff can also wear their own clothes and make a £2 donation.
Please note:
- No sliders or crocs will be allowed for health and safety reasons (trainers are allowed as well as closed toe shoes/boots).
- The school will not take responsibility for any expensive items of clothing that get mislaid.
- No doo rags or hoodies are allowed.
- Lanyards must be worn and school bags, PE kit or any other equipment needed for the day is still essential.
Please also consider that it is a school environment and students should be dressed in a way which is appropriate.
Any inappropriate clothing worn may result in students being sent home. It also means that we may not be able to run events like this in the future.
Thank you for your continued support.