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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Here, at Woolwich Polytechnic our vision is ‘Success for Everyone’ and our desire for our students to have successful careers is driven through our carefully planned careers education. It begins from the moment our students walk through our doors in Year 7 and continues all the way through to Year 13 and beyond via our Alumni.

We are committed to ensuring that all our students have high quality impartial advice on career opportunities, and that they progress onto appropriate sixth forms, Further Education Colleges, apprenticeships, T Levels, or traineeships.

Not only is careers taught during Personal Development, but we also, have a whole host of opportunities to learn from employers and employees from a variety of industries and professions. In addition, we ensure all students have individual guidance tailored to their specific needs and receive information in a variety of ways, such as: work related learning workshops, theatre performances, external business speakers, one to one interviews, transition support – all of which will inspire and inform students along their chosen career pathway.

Ms S. Edwards is Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys Head of Careers and Work Related Learning

In addition to the above, each subject area will have other opportunities for students to experience the link between learning in the classroom and earning in the workplace.

The Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys pledge:

All students will be entitled to a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme that will:

  • provide good quality impartial and independent careers advice to students which inspires them and motivates them to fulfil their potential;
  • provide personal advice and guidance which is in the best interests of, and meets the needs of, all students;
  • be based on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Careers Guidance;
  • contribute to the raising of student achievement by encouraging students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers;
  • provide opportunities to work in partnership with employers, training providers, local colleges and others;
  • provide opportunities to inspire students through real-life contact with the world of work;
  • develop enterprise and employability skills, including skills for self-employment;
  • support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity;
  • encourage students to see career development as a life-long process;
  • develop students’ skills and knowledge of careers, including career management skills and knowledge of the local labour market (LMI);
  • ensure students are aware of the full range of academic and technical routes available at each transition point so that students have the necessary knowledge to make successful transitions;
  • provide opportunities for meaningful encounters with employees, employers, further and higher education and experience of workplaces;
  • support social mobility by improving opportunities for all students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • be weaved and embedded into subjects across the curriculum.

Careers as Personal Development

Every year, pupils undertake a course in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). This is part of our new theme-based weekly PD lessons which involve Careers Education, Work Experience, Citizenship, PSHEE and Enterprise. During curriculum lessons, teachers, being aware of Gatsby Benchmark 4, are constantly demonstrating to students the relationship between their subject and the world of work, linking curriculum learning to potential career earnings.

The 3 main focusses in careers have always been;

  • Self-Development – Knowing what you are good at? How can you improve?
  • Career Exploration - Knowing what jobs are out there? What’s new? What’s Old?
  • Career Management – Earning the right qualifications, Am I CV and Interview ready?

The 3 cornerstones to a successful career!

year 7 & 8 careers entitlement

Right from the start the pupils in year 7 and 8 are asked to have high expectations and learn to set achievable targets. They are introduced to the 'Real Game'  - an exercise which outlines the financial facts of life and the reality of running a home and family. They are introduced to styles of thinking which enables them to make decisions and understand their own strengths and weaknesses.  During Year 8, pupils continue looking at their own strengths and areas to improve. They are made to look at the different ‘job sectors’ and realise that there exist jobs and careers they have never heard of. This information is passed onto pupils through their workbooks, Theatre group performances, special assemblies, curriculum links to careers, Careers workshops as well as during the Personal Development programme delivered weekly.

year 9 careers entitlement

In Year 9 pupils choose their options for Key Stage 4. They develop the Job Sector work they started in year 8 and begin to join the dots between exam subjects and careers. Of course, at 13 years of age most students will still be developing their careers ideas. Most of this year is designed to build independent learning skills and further develop skills for life. Year 9 is the year students begin their career exploration is earnest, firstly through an online computer programme called Morrisby formally Fast Tomato. The focuses is local market information, Hot and Cold Careers and matching strengths with career possibilities.  In addition, students will focus on the different types of qualifications beyond key stage 4 and will learn about wages, taxes and pensions.

Looking after ‘My Future Self’ is introduced, for perhaps for the first-time students realising that they have to find a place on this planet called Earth where they can flourish and enjoy life without the safety net of parents.

year 10 careers entitlement

Year 10 begins with a full day of Induction focused on strategies for exam success and further developing the ‘Soft Employability Skills’ needed in the workplace, such as teambuilding, communication and leadership skills.  All of which plays a part in the preparations for the two weeks’ work experience placements students will complete in the Spring Term.  We have had some amazing placements with some very prestigious companies such as: The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, The Lord Mayor’s Office, Commerzbank, Network Rail South East, the House of Commons and the Intercontinental Hotel at the 02.

Students will be selected to attend one of the largest careers fairs in England, held at the ExCel Centre in London.

year 11 careers entitlement

Every pupil in Year 11 has a personal one to one interview with an impartial, external careers advisor. This is currently Julie Edwin who is from Prospects Shaw Trust. Students attend a Post 16 Progression Fair delivered by Royal Borough of Greenwich and most student will have applied for a Sixth Form before the end of the first term (Christmas  Break), as many of the specialist Post 16 courses are filled before then.

At the end of Year 11, students will have produced a record of achievement – a portfolio of their performance, success and experiences. This demonstrates, for all to see, their level academically, socially, spiritually and emotionally. Students will have produced a Curriculum Vitae, a personal statement and a Post 16 Action Plan. As well as provide examples of work which will highlight their key skills.  In addition, Year 11 students will be offered the opportunity to visit a university and attend university masterclasses.

During this time students are also working towards Exams and their targeted grades. They will be looking at the various careers pathways that are realistically available to them and how to access these opportunities.

The Poly Sixth Form also opens their doors to Year 11 students at the end of the summer term for a whole week of A Level lessons and other 6th form experiences.

Extra Curricular
  1. Theatre Groups are used to give students all important information in a fun and engaging way.  We specifically use them for Year 9 options, introducing Work Experience and interview skills.
  2. STEM Workshops:  A student who is good at ‘Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics’ are highly desires by employers. Which is why company’s such as Workshop Open City are happy to run design and architecture workshops every year here at The Poly. Berkeley Group Construction also have a long running relationship with the Poly, students visiting sites seeing just foundations to million pound properties.
  3. Careers Fairs:  On the calendar is visiting the careers Fair at Excel ‘Skills London The UK’s Largest Job and Careers event.
    The Poly also holds 2 careers fairs on site one at the Boys Schools and our students have access to the Girls School Careers Fair.
  4. Careers trips:  A number of opportunities will arise throughout each academic year to participate in educational visits linked to careers and further or higher education.  For example, some students have visited a construction site to look at the different stages of construction and the different types of jobs from civil engineering to Site Health and Safety.  Other students have attended Barclays Bank in Central London to attend a leadership skills and presentation skills workshop delivered by professional from the bank.  The prestigious stage school, Rose Bruford worked with some students on how to work a theatre lighting rig, as well as how to design theatrical lighting effects.  Some students were lucky enough to spend time with an Artificial Intelligence Scientist from Imperial College. 

Careers Policies are included on the Schools Website Policy page in accordance to the Gatsby Benchmarks

Virtual Careers Library
How do we evaluate?

Woolwich Poly works towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks, is evaluated using the online Compass tool. This is carried out on an annual basis by the Careers Leader. The CEIAG development plan is based upon the outcomes of the Compass audit.

Provision is monitored through regular feedback from students, parents/carers, staff, governors and employers. This feedback is collected after each event throughout the year and is recorded on an evaluation report. This is analysed by the Careers Leader and necessary improvements are put in place for the next academic year. Key action points are also included in the annual CEIAG development plan where required.

The effectiveness of our careers guidance will be reflected in all students progressing to positive Post 16 and 18 destinations (e.g. apprenticeships including degree apprenticeships, technical courses, sixth form colleges, further education colleges, GAP year or employment. Destination data is used to assess how successfully students make the transition into the next stage of education or training, or into employment and to inform future CEIAG provision. This is analysed by the Careers Leader with key trends and actions fed back to SLT and Governors. A designated governor has responsibility for overseeing the quality of careers guidance.

The CEIAG policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the Careers Leader along with the Head Teacher and Governors.

Gatsby Benchmarks- What are they? Infographic

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