Welcome to The Pantry Catering, your catering partner at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys!
Our story began with a single Sandwich Shop on Hayes High Street in 2006, with a focus on freshly-made fare that soon saw us become one of the most popular Independent Retailers in the area.
We branched out into Contract Catering in 2011, and now cater for nearly 150 Schools across England – with the self-same approach to fresh, exciting, and innovative food.
We’ve won a number of awards for our food, too – so you know that we aren’t compromising on quality!
Instagram: @Pantry_Uk
X/Twitter: @ThePantry_Uk
Website: The Pantry Catering
We’re bringing our own in-house brands to the table for your School, so let’s take a little look at all the delicious you’ve got to dig in to!
Peri Pantry - Peri Pantry has been the firmest of favourites across our Secondary School business – and now it gets its own dedicated slot on the menu! Wings, Burgers, Filled Pittas and Halloumi Sticks, served up alongside a selection of sauces from soothing to sizzling, and sumptuous sides including machos peas, spicy rice, peri wedges and more!
Curry Club - Join our Club! Your favourite curries from across South Asia will be taking up permanent residence on your menus. Cooling Kormas, marvellous Masalas and fragrant Thai Curries all form part of the Club, amongst many more, together with an assortment of accompaniments that no self-discerning curry fan could do without!
Roast - The midweek Roast Dinner has been a staple of the service since we began, and it will continue to take centre stage on a Wednesday. We’ll showcase a different Roast each week, and we’ll come with the full supporting cast of trimmings and trappings that turn a Roast into a feast!
Pantori - Eastern Asian cuisine has a huge presence across every High Street in the country, and after two years in development we’ve brought our take on the coolest cuisine from Japan and China, to your lunchtimes! From Kung Pao Chicken that packs a punch, to Vietnamese-style stir fries, and the creamiest Katsu Curry, this really is the Feast from the East!
Chip Shop Friday - The ubiquitous Friday Fish Supper will round out the week’s service, with a series of specially-designed Chip Shop Specials – Fish Fillets enrobed in a crisp batter, fabulous Fishcakes or Battered Veggie Sausages will have diners feeling all nostalgic, and a healthy serving of chips and peas will always be on hand to round out the week in style!
free porridge for all students!
The menus are also displayed in the dining hall, and these are inclusive for all dietary requirements, for example, vegetarians, vegans, and gluten-free.
Families that are eligible for free school meals will need to request that their allowance moves over to their chosen secondary school via their home local authority. This will then allow the student to buy lunch in school each day but does not apply to breakfast or snacks at other times.
Students can bring in their own packed lunch and/or snacks. We do, however ask that you consider the contents of this to be balanced and healthy. We do not allow students to bring sweets or chocolate bars to school and students are banned from bringing in multipacks of items such as biscuits, sweets, chocolate, crisps, cakes etc. Other items that are banned are fizzy/energy drinks (including Lucozade). These items will be confiscated if brought into school. The reason for this is to avoid poor behaviour that sometimes follows high sugar intake. No students are allowed to leave the school site during lunchtime.
The PE curriculum also focuses on exercise and healthy food. We encourage all pupils to lead a healthy lifestyle by eating well and taking regular exercise.
We also ask that students bring in a refillable water bottle (not a glass one) that they can refill from the fountains to avoid dehydration.
free school meals - information for parents/carers
We would like to remind all parents/carers that you may be entitled to claim free school meals for your child. Every child who is entitled to a free school meal will bring in additional money to the school budget. This additional funding would be used to bring extra resources to the school (for example, additional staffing or equipment) for your child’s benefit. Ultimately, this would help raise standards for your child and other students.
We would encourage all parents/carers who think they should be entitled to free school meals (see below) to complete an application form through one of the following options:
-; or
-; or
- You can get an application form from the main school office
Staff in the main office will be happy to assist you in completing the application.
The Council will process applications on our behalf and can be found at:
- Pupil Benefits
- The Woolwich Centre
- 35 Wellington Street
- Woolwich, SE18 6HQ
To qualify for free school meals you must be:
- Receiving Income Support and Child Benefit
- or receiving income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or income-based Employment & Support Allowance and Child Benefit
- or receiving Child Tax Credit only with no entitlement to Working Tax Credit and with a gross annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue of £16,190 or less (gross means before deductions for tax and national insurance) and Child Benefit
- or receiving the guarantee element of State Pension Credit and Child Benefit
- or being supported under Part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
The easiest way to ensure that your free school meal application is processed quickly is to contact Greenwich via their website.
If families have a free school meal application pending you must still pay for lunch in advance.
Families are able to check their eligibility using the London Grid for Learning Free School Meals Eligibility Checker. If eligible, please provide the school with the awarded certificate in support of your free school meals application.