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School Phone Number: 0208 310 7000

Ms D Kouame:

Ms L Nash:

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best possible outcomes.

Woolwich Polytechnic School recognises its moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of its pupils in every aspect of school life. Safeguarding is regarded as everyone’s responsibility.

We will endeavor to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We will be alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and will follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.


  • Childline Telephone: 0800 1111
  • Social Services out-of-hours duty team: 0208 921 3172
  • Police: 101 (or in emergency 999)
  • NSPCC child protection helpline: 0808 800 5000
What do we do to safeguard students at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys?

Pastoral support

  • Students are part of a tutor group; they are registered by the same tutor each morning and afternoon, who takes a particular interest in their wellbeing
  • Strong pastoral system to support students’ welfare, which includes dedicated Year Teams for each respective year group and an attached member of school leadership for each year
  • Close liaison with parents/carers
  • A well-established ethos of encouraging students to speak to staff about problems or issues they are facing, both their own and those of peers, to enable best support to be provided
  • Educational Psychologist time purchased by the school to support students’ learning as well as good mental and emotional health;
  • Three school counsellors to provide support for students
  • Learning Support Staff who are trained in Draw and Talk
  • Programmes to support identified students’ emotional well-being e.g. managing emotions, building positive relationships, managing pressure
  • Referrals made to a wide range of outside agencies if support is needed beyond the expertise available in school
  • Trained Safe Ambassadors in the Sixth Form for peer support as well as safe spaces for students at break and lunchtime
  • Mental Health Support Team offer workshops for groups throughout the year
  • Dedicated Transition lead and transition programme to support year 7 students
  • Alternative provision (The Bridge) to support students to reintegrate into full time education

Opportunities for self-development and personal education:

  • A range of extra -curricular and enrichment activities to help students achieve and gain self-affirmation and confidence from their activities. These cover sport, drama, music and much more
  • PSHE lessons covering safeguarding issues e.g. anti-bullying, assertive behaviour, e-safety, healthy relationships and exploring senarios that young people may face in the community and in early adulthood
  • A variety of safety messages delivered to students via assemblies, tutor time activities and embedded into the academic curriculum
  • A celebration of a range of events that encourage an inclusive culture
  • Fundraising for various charities
  • Curriculum is planned with well-being in mind to support a happy, healthy mindset, so that students can self-regulate
  • Clear expectations and action to maintain a safe environment:
  • Policies and practices covering:- safeguarding and child protection including appendices on self-harm and radicalisation, e-safety, health and safety, anti-bullying, racism and discrimination and whistle-blowing
  • Comprehensive behaviour policy and systematic and graduating sanction and reward systems
  • Supervised student dismissal at the end of the day and the local area is monitored by senior staff
  • Close monitoring of student attendance with automated calls to parents/carers if student are absent or late without prior notice
  • Safer recruitment practice is followed and security checks made on all staff employed and volunteers working in the school
  • Staff receive regular safeguarding training; Heads of Year and Senior Leadership Team trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads
  • Close working relationship with the schools’ police team

Safety and Security on site:

  • Secure site needing security pass entry during the school day
  • Security cameras in playground and corridor
  • Filtered Internet access
  • Use of a digital monitoring system that alerts appropriate staff to anything written on a school computer/ICT device, which may give cause for concern so that this can be investigated and followed-up appropriately
  • Risk assessments carried out for offsite activities and for students with specific difficulties, including use of the Evolve online system for planning trips
  • First aiders in the school office and in other key areas
  • Staff and students wear identification badges on lanyards when on school site and hi-visibility jackets when out on duty Click here to view our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy under PolyMAT Policies and Procedures Please click here to download the School’s Safeguarding Booklet. The Ofsted Behaviour Report can be found here. Information on the Greenwich Safeguarding Board can be found here. The NSPCC provides ‘Share Aware’ advice here.


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Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT